Warez [Files are listed in their compressed state.] [----------- File Name ----------] [- Size -] [- File Type -] 7200 Graphics Driver 78 kb Freeware 7500-8500 Grahpics Driver 39 kb Freeware APS CD AutoCache 1.17 644 kb Commercial AdobeTypeReunion 2.0b13 1.2 mb Commercial AfterDark 4.0 22.4 mb Commercial Anarchie 2.0d6 546 kb Shareware BonkHead Cheater 1.0 98 kb Private ClarisEmailer 1.1v3 Update 488 kb Freeware ColorSync 2.1.1 323 kb Freeware Decór 3.0.3 488 kb Unknown FileGuard 3.0.1 1.0 mb Commercial FileMaker PW Viewer7 78 kb Private FWB CD-ROM Toolkit 2.1 936 kb Commercial FreePPP 2.6a2 167 kb Freeware Gauge Series 137 kb Freeware GraphicConverter 2.5->2.5.1 642 kb Freeware Icebreaker [k] 78 kb Private Internet VoiceMail 1.0 + [k] 956 kb Commercial Ircle 2.6b1 527 kb Shareware MacKali 1.0b3 126 kb Shareware MacLink Plus 9.0 6.6 mb Commercial Marathon ∞ [k] 137 kb Private MasterList CD 1.3 [k] 6 kb Private MovieWorks 3.0 Installer 1.9 mb Commercial Netscape 3.01b1 3.5 mb Freeware Now Syncrhonize 2.1 Patch 234 kb Freeware Now Utilities 6.5.2 Update 566 kb Freeware OpenTransport 1.1.1 GM 2.7 mb Freeware PCN 0.9a29a 2.3 mb Unknown ShadowBot 1.0tr38 156 kb Shareware Silverlining 5.7 449 kb Commercial Squizz 2.02 858 kb Commercial Squizz 2.02 [k] 98 kb Private TechTool v1.1.2b5 858 kb Commercial TypeCaster 1.0 --> 1.15c Upd 527 kb Freeware WebBurst 1.0 images 1.6 mb Commercial • Anarchie 2.0d6 • - Upload/download/delete folders - Manual override for transfer formats (text/binary/macbinary) - Tips - MacSearch (archie like search that actually works - Thanks, Ambrosia/Andrew!) - Fetch compatibility mode :-) - Update Server List updated, and updates Info-Mac/UMich bookmarks - Much better window handling - New directory/upload/download/delete marks entries in window (italic new entries, or strike thru deleted ones) (Thanks, Greg!) - IC firewalls, including exclusions. - Prefs for opening windows on Startup. - Drag&Drop text editing & clippings. - PowerPC native (makes no difference of course) • FileGuard 3.0.1 • FileGuard is a full-featured security solutoin for the Macintosh. This remarkably flexible product allows you to set up seamless access control privileges for any number of users or groups. With FileGuard, you determine exactly who has access to your disks, folders, applications, and documents. It includes four different encryption methods (inluding Triple DES and IDEA). You can even send encrypted files electronically to any Macintosh user, regardless of whether or not they use FileGuard. Version 3.0.1 sports an all-new interface for unparalleled ease-of-use. Find out for yourself why FileGuard continues to set the standards for excellence in the Maicntosh security administration. This archive is being distributed with a valid SN# as well. • FileMaker PW Viewer7 • The Jackal has released yet another version of the FMPViewer, this time version 7. Why version 7, you ask? The Jackal explains: There appears to be a bug with determining the password length in which passwords with lenght of 13 characters long fool the view into thinking that there are only 10 characters in the password. So, I have added a clause which prints both 10 and 13 letter passwords in the case that the assumed password length is 10, even though it may be 13 instead. So, if you try one and it doesn't work...try the other one too! - The Jackal Many thanks to The Jackal for his cracking efforts in the elite community! • FWB CD-ROM Toolkit 2.1 • Considered the "Jukebox Version," FWB CDT 2.1 supports several new multi-disc CD-ROM changers. This archive is being distributed as an image and contains valid serial numbers. • Gauge Series • Brought to you by Newer Technology, these gauge utilities provide you with quick answers to your performance related questions. Included applications are: - Clockometer 1.9 - Cache-22 1.4 - RAMometer 1.2.1 -SCSI Info 1.0a3 - Slot Info 1.0a2 Perfect for the Mac tech who needs information on a client's machine! • Internet VoiceMail 1.0 + [k] • VocalTech's Internet Voicemail allows you to send voicemail messages across the internet to anyone with an e-mail address. For the MacOS, this is also compatible with Windows versions of Internt Voicemail, now you have the capability to speak long messages instead of writing them. The crack is being distributed with this file which allows for full usage of the ware, courtesy of The Shark. • Ircle 2.6b1 • - added /load and /unload command for loading resident AppleScripts (one at the time :)) ircle now send events to the resident script to make event triggered scripting possible - check out the 'eventhandler' script to see how ircle currently does it. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) type /load eventhandler to make it resident - the following events are currently implemented: join, part, pubmsg, privmsg, signoff, nick changes, mode changes, kick • MacLink Plus 9.0 • Not much information, all that is known is that there are 6 floppies included in the archive with a valid SN#. Most likely more translators were included in version 9.0. • Marathon ∞ [k] • Since Marathon ∞ requires serial numbers for network play and/or single user play, this crack has been made to allow any 17-digit code to be a correct serial number. This crack cracks the Marathon ∞ application, and the cracked application MUST be used for any serial number to work, otherwise the regular Marathon ∞ application overrides the serial number in the Marathon ∞ preferences. Brought to you by Midiman/SPC. • MovieWorks 3.0 • A group of Macintosh software applications (Composer, Text, Sound, Paint, Video, and Player), which work together to easily create multimedia stories, presentations, knowledge, and entertainment. Scenes created in MovieWorks Interactive are saved in the QuickTime movie format providing for consisten, high-quality playback on computers equipped with Macintosh or Windows Operating Systems. • Now Synchronize 2.1 Patch • Now Syncrhozie will now support the new version 3.6.1 of Now Up-to-Date & Contact, as well as versions 3.0 to 3.6. Enhanced synchronization of To Dos. Previously, some users experienced problems with incomplete To Dos being listed as completed, this is no longer the case. • PCN 0.90a29a • Point Cast Network (PCN) is a very nice internet news service system, other than that, not much information was provided. • Phfilm InPhformer 0.9b • Phfilm InPhformer 0.9b is a beta version of a drag and drop utility to show information on Marathon and Marathon 2 films. Just drop films on its icon and it will report. • Squizz 1.5 • A plug-in for Photoshop that allows fantastic warping effects either by grid or brush. • Weburst 1.0 images • The previous version that was going around was cracked, preinstalled, but no longer works. WebBurst enables non-programmers to create animation with Java applets using drag-and-drop techniques. Features of WebBurst include: integrated 32-bit color, color draw tools, alpha channel support, import PICT files, conversion to GIF, extensive animation support, sound support, variable support, and extensibility (calls to other Java applets).